This blog is dedicated to random nonsense: product reviews (i'm always trying something), weight loss attempts, general observations, movies, books, pictures, thoughts, feelings, and struggles that make up this extraordinarily ordinary life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Customary New Years Resolution Alert!

So I gained weight during my pregnancy. 24 lbs to be exact. Not too bad. After I had the baby, I lost it all within the first 12 weeks....all thanks to breastfeeding. Let me tell ya- it ain't easy, but it sure does help with the weight loss! I stopped breastfeeding when I went back to work, started snacking more (because I wasn't stuck on the couch feeding the baby every two hours), and the weight started sneaking back up. I weighed myself 3 weeks ago and I was only 9 lbs lighter than I was when I was 9 months pregnant!! WHAAAAAAAT?!?! I had gained back 15 pounds. Don't get me wrong. I know why....cause I had a baby and ordering pizza or chinese is so much easier than working an 8 hour day, and taking care of a baby all while calculating calories and making a healthly dinner. Needless to say, I haven't been working out either. Unless, you count walking to the fridge for ice cream as exercise. God, I wish. Coincidentally, this spontaneous weigh-in took place the beginning of January. This explains the resolution. I hopped back on the Weight Watchers wagon. I actually joined Weight Watchers Online this time instead of trying to do it on my own cause they had this special going on and I work at a computer all day, so I'd have constant access to the program, the food journal, articles, points values for everything under the sun, etc. Well, I am happy to report I am down 7 pounds. This Friday will be my 3 week weigh-in. And I'm not hating it at all. I'm hoping this time is different than the other times. I'm sick of being fat and I'm not in a hurry this time. This time I'm not doing it for a wedding, or for a class reunion, or the upcoming summer. It's just because I'm tired of being a chub monster. I feel like shit and I'm sick of feeling like shit. The biggest reason I want to lose weight though is because I refuse to get pregnant again until I'm back to square one. Ideally, I'd like to be below my pre-pregnancy weight for my next pregnancy since I was obese when I started the last one. So that's the plan, Stan. I'll keep you posted every once in a while.

Friday, January 6, 2012

say cheese!!!!

Bubs's first tooth poked through his gum yesterday!!! Woo-hooooo!!! I kind of figured that he was teething cause he has been trying to stick everything in his mouth, and he's also been slobbering more than usual. The thing that made me second guess that he was teething were all the horror stories of teething babies. They wake up every two hours in the middle of the night, the scream and cry, and are inconsolable. They run fevers and are cranky. I don't know....either this kid has no pain sensory in his nervous system, or he is SERIOUSLY the most awesome baby in the world. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. He really is the most pleasant child on earth...and he's ALL MINE!!!!!! Even when he's cranky- he's smiling. I swear. I can't wait til those two little chicklets come in. There is nothing like a big, fat, chunky baby giving you a smile with those two bottom teeth sticking out!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I am in love with this kid.