well, happy 26th birthday to my husband!!! i love saying that. husband. it's fun. so, traditionally, for each of our birthdays- we are entitled to a dinner and birthday cake request. it doesn't neccesarily have to be your favorite meal...just what you're in the mood for at the time. so, i'm making him dinner tonight...turkey tetrazinni. i also made him his favorite birthday cake last night- just gotta ice it today. unlike the dinner request, the birthday cake request is always the same...ever since i met him. i've even renamed the recipe in my recipe binder "RORY'S BIRTHDAY CAKE." it's a chocolate chocolate chip cake with white icing. i'm not gonna lie- it's delicious and that's saying alot since i'm my harshest critic. as for the present, he's been begging me for a playstation 3 since LAST christmas and it took a while but i think i've finally convinced him that he isn't getting one until our future childern graduate from college...which is perfect timing for crushing his dreams because i did- in fact- cave in and get him one for his birthday. those things are EXPENSIVE, but i just love him so much and he's so good to me- i didn't have much of a choice. i know i will loose him to the boob tube for a few weeks or months, but like any child trapped in a man's body- he will eventually grow tired of it, it will accumulate dust, and i will once again have my husband back. or so I hope!!!! i can't wait to give it to him!
p.s. i'm still waiting for my bangs to come in the mail. i laugh just thinking about the before and after pictures. hilarious...